Jcb Data Link Adapter Kit Genuine – Complete JCB Diagnostic kit Include Interface & 3 Software Kit – Latest 2023



Jcb Data Link Adapter Kit Genuine – Complete JCB Diagnostic kit Include Interface & 3 Software Kit – Latest 2023 !
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JCB Electronic Service Tool Kit 892/01174 to hook up to your loaders, dumpers, excavators, lifts and handlers.

JCB’s USB Data Link Adapter (USB-DLA) is an adapter that provides a link between two different data networks or protocols. The USB-DLA provides the link between a PC and an automotive network. Information from the engine and transmission is converted into a format that a laptop can understand. The USB-DLA transfers data from your PC ports (USB) to vehicle ports (J1939, J1708).

Kit Include:

• Data Link Adapter
 • USB cable
 • DB9 cable
 • 9-pin Deutsch adapter
 • 8-pin cable
 • JCB ServiceMaster4 v23.4.2 [2023]
 • JCB Service Manuals v52 [2013]
 • JCB Service Parts Pro v2.0 [2017] (spare parts)


The Data Link Adapter is sold in kit form. The purpose of the USB-DLA toolkit is to provide to the customer all of the necessary harnesses and adapters needed to link the USB-DLA to different networks or protocols. The USB-DLA kit is supplied in a high density polyethylene, blow-molded case. The kit includes cables to interface with either J1939, or J1587/1708 diagnostic ports. There are also cables for Deutsch or Cannon connector types commonly used in vehicle communication buses, “Y” adapters, CAN bus terminator, and a USB cable to connect the DLA to your laptop computer.

The USB-DLA is perfect for doing vehicle diagnostics or uploading applications to VMM or CM controller modules in any mobile vehicle electronic system.

We Are Offering Full Teamviewer Support ,  We will Connect To your Pc And Install The Software For You !!

Product Details :

Operating System:
Windows 11 32 bit (x86) – Windows 11 64 bit (x64)
Windows 10 32 bit (x86) – Windows 10 64 bit (x64)

Windows 7 32 bit (x86) – Windows 7 64 bit (x64)
Windows XP 32 bit (x86) -Windows XP 64 bit (x64)
Quantity of CD:1 DVD
Date of update: 11/2023

999 in stock