Volvos Premium Tech Tool PTT 1.12 Include VCADS 2.4 & Devtool – For Windows 10 On VM
$199 – $210
Volvos Premium Tech Tool PTT 1.12 Include VCADS 2.4 & Devtool !
If You Have Newer Tech Tool That Not Support The Old Models This Is The Version You Need !
Can Work On Same Laptop With The New Version !
Online Installation And Activation !
For Trucks Older Then 2012
Volvos Premium Tech Toolย 1.12 Include VCADS 2.4 & Devtool is The Dealer program For Diagnostic And Programming All Volvos equipment .
**If You Are Own One Or More Then one Volvo Vehicle This Is The Best Software For You, It Will Cover Every Single Part On your Current Engine And Probably Some Of Your Next ..*
Volvos VCADS 2.41 diagnostic tool for Volvo Trucks, Volvo Buses, Volvo Construction Equipment, Mack Trucks, Renault Trucks, UD Trucks. Volvo Premium Tech Tool 1.12 / Volvos VCADS 2.41 tool to assist customers and bodybuilders in performing their own diagnostic work on Volvo engines. Volvo VCADS all functions work, intermediate storage support. PTT is a Windows-based diagnostic application specially designed to test, calibrate and program engine parameters. This software supports VN, VT, VHD, WG, WX and AC from model year โ98 forward. Tests for fault tracing of Volvo D7C, D11F, D12B, D12C, D12D, D13F, D16D and D16F engines are incorporated into PTT. PTT is a toolbox that bundles diagnostic (VCADS) and repair applications (Guided Diagnostics) together making it a one stop shop for the technicians. The main purpose of PTT is to support the diagnostic & repair process and to make it easier for technicians to work with the tools provided. PTT provides access to vehicle and parameter programming, service information and diagnostics VCADS Elite is a windows – Base software tool developed to test, calibrate and program parameters on Volvo ECUs. VCADS elite software is installed on a PC. The PC is connected to the communication connector in the vehicle via the communication interface(Volvo part number 99988555). VCADS Elite provides tests and calibrations for VOLVO vehicles that are equipped with the Vehicle Electronics ’98(VECTRO II) or Version 2 electronic control systtems. Vehicle parameters genarally are used to configure the vehicle when it is built and alteration of these parameters requires a connection to VDA(Vehicle Data Administration) at Volvo . Adjustments and improvements: – Support for new language: Thai – Support for new models: FL and FE – The Option dialog in the Tool menu has been updated. – Manually entered chassis series are validated on the local – Possibility to correct parameter values that are incorrect according to specifications. Parameters with values that are not valid are marked with red color. Previously, this situation caused an error that interfered with parameter programming. – Help desk tool is updated. The actions 1 – Update phone book and 3 – Change connection type are found under 1 – Central Communications Settings. – Campaigns which have been downloaded in intermediate storage mode but are not reported will, after 30 days, be reported as not performed for safety reasons. – If the hardware part number in the control unit differs from the hardware part number stored in the central systems, VCADS Pro will automatically check if there is an appropriate conversion kit available. If this is the case, a dialog box appears asking the user to run the conversion kit. – New procedure for downloading of new versions of VCADS Pro. – If there is unused or unreported software stored in Intermediate Storage, the user will be notified and have the possibility to view more detailed information. – Help text updated with instructions for parameter programming by templates, the new Option dialog and information about new functionality in intermediate storage. – Campaign handling will from now be reported after programming is finished and not at the next authenticated connection to central systems. Conversion kit and Accessory kit.The following operations have been added or updated in VCADS Pro: – 17012-3, 1700-21-03-02 Fault codes – 17054-3, 1700-22-03-06 Accessory kit – 20006-3, 2000-08-03-06 20006-3 Engine data statistics – 2374-08-03-02, 23712-3 Injectors shut off, manual – Support for Dennis Eagle (DE) – New version of Perf: performance application. Version number: 2.5.3. – Oscilloscope related operations for special tool 88890040 have updated oscilloscope software. Product Details :
Many funtions in today’s modern vehicles are controlled by electronic control units(ESUs).
ECUs control components such as the engine, instrumentation and certain vehicles funtions.
The application consists of a number of standrd graphical interfaces, such as graphs and continuous displays of parameters values.
The operations are organized in the menu according to function groups. Some ECUs have changeable parameters that can be use to adjust or customize certain functions. Volvo ECUs often have two types of parameters: Customer parameters and Vehicle paameters. Customers parameters can be programmed locally using VCADS Elite.
These parameters CANNOT be read or programmedwith VCADS Elite. These changes must be performance by a Volvo Truck dealer.The operation conversion kit has been split into two operations:
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Operating System:
Windows 10 32 bit (x86) – Windows 10 64bit (x64)
Windows 8.1 32 bit (x86) – Windows 8.1 64bit (x64)
Windows 8 32 bit (x86) – Windows 8 64 bit (x64)
Windows 7 32 bit (x86) – Windows 7 64 bit (x64)
Windows 7 32 bit (x86) – Windows 7 64 bit (x64)
Windows XP 32 bit (x86) -Windows XP 64 bit (x64)